Ways Business Debt Can Affect Your California Divorce
Ways Business Debt Can Affect Your California Divorce
February 4, 2021

Divorces are messy. California is a community property state which can further complicate an already complicated situation. In community property states, in general, any assets or debts accumulated during the marriage are divided evenly between the two parties with the exception of property which was acquired prior to the marriage or acquired by one party ...

How Can I Get the Costs of Private School Included in Child Support Payments?
January 14, 2021
How Can I Get the Costs of Private School Included in Child Support Payments?

Parents always want what’s best for their children. This is an admirable sentiment, but it’s subject to change when a family is going through a dissolution or a legal separation. That sounds a bit extreme, but it sometimes happens when one parent insists that the other parent pay their child’s private school costs. California’s family ...

Blended Families: How to Protect Your Assets
January 3, 2021
Blended Families: How to Protect Your Assets

The legal boundaries that once defined marriage and family have gradually expanded over the years. These changes have made marriage and parenthood more inclusive and also more complicated. Marriage is now an exciting option for any couple who wants a full family life. It’s often a challenging option as well. It’s not unusual for a ...

How The Length of Your Marriage May Affect Your Divorce in California
December 13, 2020
How The Length of Your Marriage May Affect Your Divorce in California

Divorces and legal separations are difficult for everyone involved. The idea of transitioning to a new life is usually unimaginable when you’re ending a long-term marriage. The process often creates lifestyle changes and financial inequities between the two new households. These changes can be particularly devastating if one spouse stayed home to care for the ...

Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid When You’re Planning to Divorce
December 4, 2020
Top 5 Mistakes to Avoid When You’re Planning to Divorce

When you’re going through the planning stages of a divorce, it’s a tough transition for everyone. Despite the potential for unimaginable stress, you must still make prudent choices. That’s often difficult when you’re experiencing so many emotional changes. Still, it’s important that you strike a balance between living a normal life and avoiding the mistakes ...

Can I Get Spousal Support While My Divorce is Pending?
November 14, 2020
Can I Get Spousal Support While My Divorce is Pending?

Divorce is never pleasant under the best of circumstances. As spouses begin the transition to separate households, one household often undergoes more financial hardships than the other. California’s Family Code allows the courts to address this inequity. Division 9, Chapter 4, §3600 gives the court discretion to order one spouse to pay support to the ...

If I Remarry will it Affect my Alimony in California?
November 2, 2020
If I Remarry will it Affect my Alimony in California?

Spousal support is often a thorny issue both during and after a legal separation or dissolution process. Explained simply, it takes money from one spouse and gives it to the other. California Family law established spousal support as a solution to meet a temporary need. As a supported spouse, when you remarry, your financial need ...

How a Business is Valued in a California Divorce
October 14, 2020
How a Business is Valued in a California Divorce

When you’re going through a divorce, it feels as though you’re deconstructing your life one piece at a time. It’s even more complicated when you and your spouse run a business together. A mutual enterprise quickly becomes one more asset to inspect, evaluate, and sometimes dismantle. Like everything else spouses buy, build, or acquire during ...

What Are Contested vs Uncontested Divorces in California
October 5, 2020
What Are Contested vs Uncontested Divorces in California

Typically, when we think about a contested divorce, what we immediately believe is the two parties do not agree upon the idea of seeking a divorce. However, since California, like most other jurisdictions, offers no fault divorce, a court is unlikely to deny a final divorce just because one party is unhappy about the possibility. ...

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