Divorces are messy, time-consuming, and costly. The state where you file for divorce, the complexity of your marital estate, and how successfully you can work with your soon-to-be ex-spouse resolving issues pertaining to your divorce will play a role in the overall cost of your divorce. The more issues you fail to reach an agreement ...
Divorce is always a possibility. The number of divorces annually in the United States has declined significantly over the past two decades from an average of 4 per 1,000 people in the population in 2000 to an average of 2.9 in the same population in 2018 according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). However, ...
According to statistics published by the Pew Research Center, nearly 60 percent of adults 18 to 44 have lived with a partner without being married. Reviewing the statistics as they pertain to younger generations, more are opting to live with partners outside of marriage which has become more acceptable over the past few decades. While ...
Despite California being a community property state, there are still disagreements over finances when it comes to dissolution of a marriage. Divorces are messy — they are even more messy when one spouse has dedicated their marriage to raising a family and taking care of the home foregoing the opportunity to pursue a career. Oftentimes, ...
When you marry or register a domestic partnership in California, the state’s Family Codes determine your legal rights and responsibilities. As a legal couple, the state considers you a single entity. Almost everything you acquire during the relationship becomes jointly-owned community property. Before you finalize a divorce, legal separation, or partnership termination, you must document ...
California has a divorce rate of 6.7 percent according to U.S. News. While California may not fall into the top tier of divorce rates, everyone understands divorce is not easy and there are always disagreements. One of the primary things spouses typically face challenges with is division of property. Since California is a community property ...
Divorce is never easy. The process is even more complicated when a spouse is an active military member. As a military couple, your life begins changing when you decide to separate. Active duty assignments often dictate your housing, your children’s schools, childcare resources, and many other personal and family circumstances. As with every military-connected concern, ...
One of the most difficult hurdles during a divorce proceeding every parent will have to deal with is the one pertaining to their children. Unfortunately, while both parents usually agree the well-being and safety is of utmost importance, oftentimes, they disagree on what is required to keep their children safe. In some cases, one parent ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way Californians conduct every aspect of their lives. These changes have affected all traditional interactions, including those involving the San Diego County Family Court system. In compliance with Governor Newsom’s Executive Orders and Superior Court General Orders, all courthouses and services are temporarily closed to the public. Except for ...