Marital property — this is one of the most misunderstood factors in a California divorce. California is a community property state — this means property and debt is generally equally divided between each spouse. According to the courts in California, when a couple divorces, marital property is considered equally owned by both spouses. Since each spouse or partner owns one-half of the property, they also are responsible for one half of the debt. There are complicated rules that pertain to sole owned and community property during a divorce which make it imperative for you to hire an attorney who understands California law.
There are two categories of assets and debts which a couple may have at the time of their divorce. Marital assets are those assets which are accumulated during the marriage. Marital debt is the debt accumulated during the marriage. However, there is also property and debt which may be classified as sole property and debt including:
You should speak with a California property division attorney during your divorce to make sure you understand the complexities involved in community property law.
Both parties will be required to submit individual financial disclosures during their divorce proceedings. These disclosures cover all assets including life insurance policies, IRA, and other retirement accounts, as well as bank and brokerage accounts. The court requires the person submitting such a disclosure to attest as to its truthfulness and completeness.
Still, there may be times when one spouse attempts to diminish the value of the assets of the marriage. There are several ways this may be done including:
If you suspect your spouse may be hiding assets, it is important you advise your attorney of this fact immediately. There are ways to ensure there is full disclosure including looking back at prior account balances. Always bear in mind these methods are often utilized well in advance of a divorce filing — you may stop seeing certain bank or brokerage statements, notice your spouse is getting less in bonus money or commissions, or has taken a sudden interest in unregulated investments.
When a couple files for divorce, each is entitled to an even division of property as well as obligated to repay debt which is part of their marital estate. Anything less than full disclosure is illegal, and the courts may hold the responsible party in contempt of court, or the offending party may face other penalties imposed by the court. You should never settle for less than the full value of your marital estate because your partner is attempting to hide assets.
When you are involved in a divorce where a significant portion of your marital estate is deemed community property, one spouse may be attempting to shield some of these assets. You need an attorney who will thoroughly investigate any claims of hidden assets to ensure you get the portion of the marital estate you are entitled to under California law. Be certain to tell your lawyer about any assets you believe may have been wrongfully liquidated or transferred to others in the months leading up to your divorce. Remember, the higher the value of your marital estate, the more likely your spouse is to attempt to shield assets.
To speak to us about your property division case, please call the San Diego offices of Attorney Stephen Bishop at 619-304-0418 or send us an email to arrange a free phone consultation. We can help ensure your spouse is making a full disclosure of all assets which should be part of your marital estate to make sure you get your rightful share of your marital estate.